Kamis, 25 November 2010

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Kamis, 11 November 2010

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Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

TAU GA,,!!!!! Kalo TOM DELONGE seorang freemason??

Tom DeLonge adalah seorang musisi terkenal dari Amerika. Dia adalah personel dari band Blink 182, Angels and Airwaves, dia juga pernah bermain dengan sidejob band nya yaitu Boxcar Racer. Namun akhir - akhir ini banyak isu yang beredar bahwa Tom adalah seorang freemason. 

      Setelah browsing di Google Search, ternyata banyak fakta - fakta yang membuktikan bahwa Tom DeLonge adalah seorang freemason. Mulai dari pernyataan dari kawan - kawan nya, foto - foto yang mengekspos dirinya dengan lambang - lambang freemason dan satanic, dari lirik - lirik lagunya yang banyak menyiratkan sebuah makna tersembunyi, dan juga dari video klip yang juga menyiratkan sebuah pesan tersembunyi, dan banyak lagi gan bukti - bukti lainnya !!.

Logo Freemason yang ada di Google Searh => click here

Ada yg belum tau apa itu Freemasonry???? yu kita telusuri apa itu Freemason = pencet

Seperti yang telah saya katakan di atas, kawan - kawan Tom juga meng-iyakan bahwa Tom DeLonge adalah freemason. Mereka mengkonfirmasi hal tersebut lewat forum internet.
Ini adalah kutipan pernyataan mereka di modcam tentang Tom DeLonge adalah seorang freemason :
"On davids modcam tonight him and jimmy confirmed that tom it a mason. I asked and they said "Yeah he is a mason but we cant talk about it"
Dont have any proof but I am sure a bunch of others will confirm this also.
Not that it matters anyway.. but i know that people have been wondering"

"Actually it was Chris who said it, and I have been telling people on modlife forever now he is. If you are a member you are able to go into any lodge and see who the other members are. It's a great organization to be a part of, people just believe too many conspiracies though. If you're 21 i'd suggest joining your local lodge.
I am excited they finally told everyone what I have been saying. I am also excited David really did take my suggestion about the AVA bracelets, I hope we get them for all of us."

Kutipan tersebut adalah pernyataan Chris dan Jimmy di modcam.

Tak hanya itu saja, ternyata dari lirik - lirik lagu Angels and Airwaves yang notabene Tom adalah leader dan founder band tersebut, memiliki banyak makna tersembunyi !!
Ini gan lirik - lirik lagu band AVA yang penuh kontroversi :

HEAVEN : “..and the world will begin.. exactly how it ends..” (dunia baru mereka) dan di lagu ini   seperti menggambarkan keadaan kiamat itu seperti apa.

TRUE LOVE : "..the stars in the sky illuminate below, if the world were to die, the light will guide you.." (seperti yang diisukan : mereka akan "merangkul" kita disaat dunia JUGA diisukan akan berakhir)

SECRET CROWDS : " if i had my own world, i'd build you an empire.. from here to the far lands.. to spread love like violence.. (dunianya mereka sendiri, mereka akan membuat suatu kerajaan. Yang dalam hal ini, freemason akan membuat tatanan dunia baru yang tidak ada batasan negara, tidak ada sistem keluarga, satu mata uang, dan tidak ada agama ) dari nama judulnya saja Secret Crowds, ( karena memang Freemason selama berabad - abad ini berjalan secara rahasia ) .
Tak hanya lagu dari album I-Empire saja yang banyak memiliki lirik kontroversial, ternyata di album “We Don't Need To Whisper” juga ada.

THE ADVENTURE : "Hey, oh, here I am, and here we go, life's waiting to begin.. ( kehidupan menunggu untuk memulai... dunia yang baru )

Mungkin saja 
WE DON'T NEED TO WHISPER => ( kita tidak perlu untuk berbisik ) Maksudnya :mereka tidak perlu diam-diam atau sembunyi-sembunyi lagi untuk mensyiarkan "keyakinan" mereka.

Illuminati adalah sebuah perkumpulan rahasia yang juga memiliki tujuan yang sama dengan Freemason. Dan berdasarkan info yang saya dapat ternyata Illuminati bergandengan tangan alias bekerja sama dalam mewujudkan tujuannya dengan Freemason !!
Nanti deh akan saya bahas lebih jauh tentang Illuminati di artikel yang akan datang :)

lebih lengkap pengertian dari "illuminati"

Dari album terbarunya "LOVE" yang dirilis 14 Februari 2010 lalu, ternyata ada juga lirik - lirik lagu yang kontroversial. Nih gan lirik - lirik yang saya maksud :

- Shove -
Forget the things that you own
And travel almost anywhere you can go
Dance across the tree-tips, set them ablaze
Soaking in her pleasant warm summer haze
And reaping on her streets and school city blocks
And finding strings on her while you’re skipping rocks
And feeding on her touch, as it will barely keep you alive

- Epic Holiday -
Lets start a riot
Nobody’s right
Nobody’s wrong
Life’s just a game it’s just one epic holiday
However far this
Takes us along
Take us away
it’s just one epic holiday.

- Hallucinations -
And you look real close
Cross the lines and the roads
It is there to decode
What you thought was a ghost
Or a spark to explode
It’s the start of the show
It’s the part you love the most
When your heart will implode within

- The Moon-Atomic (…Fragments and Fictions) -
I see the crowds their giving way
For some, they’re better off that way
The bombs blew off the shells
Their glowing red at burst
The less there is to feel each night upon the earth


The moon you’ve felt, it has no side
That’s dark like hell, or safe from light
Just blown apart, by wind from stars
With white dust tides to pull on ours..

- Soul Survivor (…2012) -
So sadly soul survivors
Lost and lonely in open water
Yeah oh
Help Im losing, help Im falling
Life is silent, the earth is calling
Every reason, every nighttime
And every day starts and ends in sunlight
But Im not okay with this vicious cycle
Somethings broken, it seems unnatural

- Letters to God Pt.2 -
And dear God, I found out the same things we learn when We die
I found out the truth is its all a big lie
I find that the words are hard to describe
I tell you Im lost here, awaiting reply
I found out whats wrong, and its not you or i
Or anyone else that you chose tonight
It seems like the madness of choice in the life
Has made it all clear if we run or we hide

- Some Origins of Fire -
Cars crash through the streets
The west end waves break city heats
The east coast storms fill in the sky
Winter weekends
Cold, unbearable
Lifes so terrible
Shots ring out in blind stellar night time
Town lights come alive like a land mine
Eyes wide up in five second intervals
Unpredictable, lifes a miracle

"Et Ducit Mundum Per Luce"
Kalimat yang ada di lambang AVA terbaru yang mirip dengan lambang freemason. Dan artinya adalah "and he (or she) leads the world by light"
Silahkan anda cari makna dari kalimat tersebut. Kalimat tersebut menurut dugaan saya adalah sebuah pesan tersirat dari Tom .

Ini adalah foto-foto tom yang kontroversi,,
karena adanya logo atau lambang freemason dan satanisme di foto tersebut :

Emblem yang biasa dipake Tom, 

ini adalah Logo Fremason dan coba bandingkan dengan emblem diatas

Jika diamati lagi diantara tulisan AVA tsb ada sebuah lambang yang sangat misterius..,, Yaitu jangka dan penggaris siku2 yang saling bersentuhan membentuk satu pola.. Lambang itu adalah lambang sebuah Organisasi persaudaraan misterius yang dikenal selama ini dengan Freemasonry...

Organisasi yang telah lama berdiri dan bnyak berkembang dibanyak belahan dunia, termasuk Indonesia,...
Saya tidak tahu pasti kena AVA band ini menggunakan dan mencantumkan simbol2 Freemansonry ke dalam lambang Band tsb,.. tetapi ini merupakan suatu hal yang menarik untuk dicermati bagi pembaca.. Berkaitan dengan itu, logo baru mereka ini berisi kata-kata Latin "et mundus per lumen timah hitam" yang diterjemahkan menjadi "dan memimpin dunia dengan cahaya".  apa maksud dari kata2 itu!!!

Video klip dari lagu Hallucinations juga banyak lambang - lambang freemason dan satanic yang di ekspos !!

Kalo yang dilingkarin ini namanya 'Obelisk'

Obelisk yang saya maksud adalah salah satu lambang satanic

Bahkan Macbeth, clothing company milik Tom pun ada unsur freemason nya juga.
Ini buktinya !!

Seperti sepatu keluaran terbaru Macbeth pun janggal.
di atas adalah gambar sepatu Macbeth The Matthews yang terdapat kalimat aneh didalamnya.

Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010

Angels And Airwaves ++Download MP3 Full Album++

Origins and formation: 2004-2005

Tom DeLonge began working new material during the Blink-182's final tour in 2004 and shortly after they began their hiatus in February 2005. For half a year he worked alone in his home studio before gathering musicians to form the band. Upon fiddling randomly for several weeks with the band's logo, Tom realized that if he were to invert the middle "A" of the band 's acronym into what appeared to be a "V", he would have the name of his daughter, Ava. As rumors were floating around about the band's "break-up", DeLonge chose to abstain for half a year from any interviews surrounding the issue and his future plans; instead he concentrated on writing and recording in his home-based studio. In September 2005, he finally spoke publicly in Kerrang! magazine, where he unveiled the name of his new band, "Angels & Airwaves". The band included former Hazen Street guitarist and high-school friend David Kennedy, former Rocket from the Crypt drummer Adam Willard and former The Distillers bassist Ryan Sinn.

Sign Up to "Modlife/Angels And Airwaves".....=>Disini
=================ANGELS AND AIRWAVES========================

Nama ” ANGELS AND AIRWAVES ” lahir dari ide dan pemikiran kreatifnya Tom DeLonge. Semua band pasti ingin mempunyai suatu trademark tersendiri yang authentic dan juga unik. Begitu juga dengan Tom, sekali lagi dia ingin membuktikan bahwa dirinya memang “gudang-nya ide2 kreatif”. Tom pun sempat mengakui identitas band ANGEL AND AIRWAVES yang bila disingkat menjadi AAA itu, dinilai terlalu monoton dan kurang komersil. Akhirnya Tom memilih dan menjadikan inisial AVA sebagai trademark sekaligus logo Band yang terbentuk pada tahun 2005 itu.Karakter huruf “V” pada AVA sebenarnya mewakili karakter huruf “A” yang tidak lain diambil dari awalan kata AND. Kemudian oleh Tom karakter huruf “A” itu di-flip secara vertikal menjadi karakter huruf “V” , sehingga akhirnya kalau masing-masing inisial itu digabungkan sekaligus dibaca dari kiri ke kanan (dan juga dari kanan ke kiri!) menjadi AVA.
Ternyata pilihan Tom untuk mengubah inisial band-nya tidak salah. Karena secara kebetulan, AVA adalah nama depan-nya putri si Tom sendiri. Putri kesayangan Tom yang kini berumur 6 tahun itu bernama lengkap Ava Elizabeth DeLonge, dan merupakan sumber inspirasi terbesar bagi seorang Tom Delonge.

=================ANGELS AND AIRWAVES====================

We Don't Need to Whisper: 2005-2007

Soon after forming the band began recording their debut album in Tom's home studio in California. The band recorded from mid 2005 to early 2006. Angels & Airwaves released their first single, "The Adventure", after a fan hacked into Tom's email account and stole four demos from the album. "The Adventure" was leaked onto radio stations, resulting in the band having to release it on May 18, 2006. They released their first album, We Don't Need to Whisper, a few days later, on May 23, 2006. The album reached 4th on the Billboard 200, and went gold. The band toured for most of 2006 and early 2007 and then retreated to the studio at the start of the year to work on the follow-up.

Mau Download Album "We Dont Need To Whisper"
=>Didieu / Disini <=

I-Empire: 2007–2009

On April 23, 2007, AVA announced that Ryan Sinn would not play at the Free Earth Day concert at the M.I.T. campus due to difficulties within the band. Following this incident, on May 15, Sinn posted on the Army of Angels fan club message board stating that he was "no longer a part of Angels & Airwaves," and had received a call on the evening of April 19 concluding his relationship with the band. Matt Wachter (former bassist of 30 Seconds to Mars), filled in for the show and was later confirmed as a permanent member.
The new album, titled I-Empire, a departure from the heavy effects found in We Don't Need To Whisper, wаs released on Universal/Island Records.        I-Empire debuted on the Billboard 200 chart at No. 9 with sales of 66,000 in its first week. It also reached number one on the iTunes Top Albums chart. The first single from the new album, "Everything's Magic", was leaked onto the internet, and on August 25, 2007 it was the most requested song on California radio station KROQ. Angels & Airwaves began streaming the song on their MySpace profile on August 28, 2007. It also became available on iTunes, and reached number three on the iTunes Rock Chart on September 11, 2007, before the song was even made available for nationwide airplay. The band shot the video for the single on January 20 and 21, and it premiered on MTV2 Unleashed on February 25, 2008 The band came out with a third single, "Breathe", that was released onto the internet June, 20.
Angels & Airwaves performed at every location on Warped Tour 2008. They also underwent a Fall tour in support of Weezer.

Mau Download Album "I-Empire"
=> Didieu yeuh / Click here <=

The Love project: 2009–present

The band took a break from performing in 2009 while Tom Delonge reunited with blink-182 for a summer tour. During their time off, Atom Willard joined Social Distortion as their touring drummer, while Matt Wachter and David Kennedy began work on the upcoming LOVE film. When Delonge and Willard returned in the fall, the band resumed production of the LOVE album.
Love is the third studio album by Angels & Airwaves, which was officially released worldwide on February 14, 2010 after being delayed from Christmas 2009. Fuel.tv also released it two days earlier for Modlife members, along with Mark Hoppus' remix of Hallucinations available to those who donated when downloading the album.The album was released free of charge due to "corporate underwriting". They began producing it in January 2009 but progress was slow due to Blink-182 reuniting and going on tour. AVA finished the album in time for its release on Valentine's Day 2010. The first single from the album, "Hallucinations," was made available for free through the band's Modlife on December 23, 2009. The band have also released the video via Modlife on March 7, 2010. Lovewas downloaded nearly 500,000 times during the first 48 hours after its Valentine's Day release.
The band toured North America, starting March 27 in Anaheim, CA. The tour wrapped up on May 30 in Ventura, California, and Delonge returned to Blink-182 to prepare for their upcoming album and European tour. Delonge originally revealed that there will be another tour rumored to have UK dates after the release of the Love movie in the autumn, but plans were changed due to Delonge's commitments with blink-182.
Love Part II
Delonge has confirmed that a second studio album in the Love project will be released along with the film of the same title in early 2011. He has also revealed that the upcoming studio album would be titled Love: Part II.
He also confirmed the film has been completed and is "very close to being finished up" and he plans the movie to be completed in September. He also confirmed that there will be a "bunch new music coming your way with a double album selling with the movie."

Mau Download Album "Love Part I,-2010"
=>cLick Here<=

Live history

At concerts the band is known for its showmanship and also for their effects-laden performances, directly opposing the clean, straight-forward rock sound of Blink-182. While Tom handles vocals and guitar, second guitarist David Kennedy, bassist Matt Wachter, and drummer Atom Willard are also handling keyboards, synthesizers, and drum samples, respectively. For the LOVE 2010 tour, Tom also plays synthesizers during     "Et Ducit Mundum Per Luce".
In previous tours prior to the Blink-182 reunion, Tom frequently solo-performed "I Miss You", "Down", "Reckless Abandon", and "Not Now" during concerts, leading into songs such as "The Adventure" or "Rite of Spring". He has also performed Box Car Racer's song "There Is" as a solo piece or with David Kennedy, who was also a former member of Box Car Racer. The whole band has also performed "My First Punk Song" (another Box Car Racer song), at several concerts.
On March 22, 2010, the band played on Jimmy Kimmel Live, which aired on May 6, 2010.

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